
  1. On Ubuntu or Mac, use the following command to generate an RSA SSH public/private key pair:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
  1. Force the agent to load the new private key and verify that it’s loaded:
ssh-add; ssh-add -l
  1. Retrieve the content of your SSH public key:
cat ~/.ssh/
  1. Paste the content into the “SSH Public Keys” section in the Console - Settings.

Here is an example of an SSH public key:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDopiaR1Q6Na6dW1QTK7hMuHVi+gXqutY5pUvrWCgeyjcBtBLHejxDQjdNt+qWQRORK/fZzrmyA8/ghani0rZlGPN3bYw1RXFHitt+bD1jVgtJzOmjMQdpMVALnZASQMoQQcCqVJ8PG5Xc08TciACS7S/Ltz3VdZfIq1tih969GCzCe3sctSFBuTwqUDnyrQ6iqSBhPSfQS7nCC/CwzMi3rDg0JzW2NHzIBsbvy0gdXy1ZtC4kkCr7/lUWAgZLk52v3s2CTXCg6QXnhWx+Q/dHOJVAEEucY4o8bo4rF4Bj+ifgEHFtUEfoK9+yj3OLbWfpIxyzhHK+nNXz3UaOMSC8D


Generating SSH keys on Windows requires additional command-line tools like Cmder, with operations similar to those on Linux.

Since most machine learning and AI programming is performed on Linux, we strongly recommend installing a Linux subsystem on your Windows machine, such as WSL.

Common Issues

If you encounter a “Permission denied (publickey)” error, it might be due to:

  • Attempting to run SSH/SCP from within an instance;
  • Incorrect key setup or using the wrong/unmatched key;
  • The SSH key format used is incorrect or unsupported;
  • The private key wasn’t correctly loaded with ssh-add; you may need to use the -i parameter;
  • New or updated keys not taking effect for already created resources;
  • Incorrect SSH key permission settings.

Use the ssh -vv command for detailed information.

Connect via SSH with a Password

Go to Console - Instances, select the instance you want to connect to, click “Connect”, and copy the “Basic SSH Terminal” command to your terminal. Log in using the password provided in the pop-up window.