Create Instance
Request Headers
Enum: application/json
Bearer authentication format, for example: Bearer {{API Key}}.
Request Body
Instance name.
ID of the product used to deploy the instance.
Number of GPUs allocated to the instance.
Number of vCPU cores allocated to the instance.
Memory allocated to the instance (GB).
Disk space allocated to each instance (GB).
Root filesystem storage (GB).
Docker image URL to initialize the instance.
Docker image registry credentials in username:password format.
Exposed ports.
Environment variables.
Official docker image built-in tools.
Startup command for the instance.
ID of the cluster where the instance will be deployed.
Mount point for the local storage.
Cloud Mount Configuration (supports up to 30 cloud storage mounts)
ID of the network storage.
Mount point for the network storage.
VPC Network ID; leave empty if not using a VPC network.
Instance TypeEnum: gpu
ID of the created instance.
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