Task Result
This API is used to retrieve images, audio, or video results from v3 asynchronous tasks using the task_id
Request Headers
Enum: application/json
Bearer authentication format, for example: Bearer {{API Key}}.
Query Parameters
Returned in the 200 response of v3 asynchronous APIs.
Task information.
Contains information about images associated with image-type tasks. This parameter provides detailed data on each image processed or generated during the task, such as file paths, metadata, or any image-specific attributes. It is returned only for tasks that involve image operations, facilitating enhanced tracking and management of image data.
Contains information about videos associated with video-type tasks. This parameter provides detailed data on each video processed or generated during the task, such as file paths, metadata, or any video-specific attributes. It is returned only for tasks that involve video operations, facilitating enhanced tracking and management of video data.
Contains information about audios associated with audio type tasks. This parameter provides detailed data on each audio processed or generated during the task, such as file paths, metadata, or any image-specific attributes. It is returned only for tasks that involve audio operations, facilitating enhanced tracking and management of audio data.
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