Reliable, Scalable
and Cost-Effective for LLMs

Power Your AI Startup with the Simple API for Gen AI

Novita AI LLM Chat
Novita AI LLM Chat

Deploy models to production more reliably and scalably, faster and cheaper with our serverless platform than self-developing infrastructure

You may focus your energy on application growth and customer service, while the LLM Infrastructure can be entrusted to the Novita Team.

Fast network
Maintain low latency
Cost - Effective
Cost - Effective
Pay per use
Lower prices
Auto Scaling
Auto Scaling
Fast scaling infrastructure
Scale down when not needed

Featured Models

These models are deployed for industry-leading speeds to excel at production tasks,
and they enhance role-play, spark engaging discussions, and foster creativity,
with content compatibility that is not subject to restrictions.


Input Cost

( $ per 1M tokens )

Output Cost

( $ per 1M tokens )

Ideal App Scenarios

AI Companion Chat
AI Companion Chat
AI Uncensored Chat
AI Uncensored Chat
AI novel Generation
AI novel Generation
AI Summarization
AI Summarization

Question and Answer

What is Novita AI LLM services?
Novita AI is a unified AI cloud platform designed for building and operating generative AI services, enabling developers to rapidly access leading open-source models via the Novita AI LLM services. Committed to supporting AI startups, Novita AI aims to facilitate the faster and more cost-effective realization of AI services.
How to use Novita AI LLM services?
We offer a small amount of free quota to new users. Users can experience and debug on the Chat page, or create a Key for API testing. The specific calling method is consistent with OpenAI, and details can be found in the tutorial.
How does Novita AI protect user privacy?
Apart from the necessary data for service maintenance, we do not save detailed Prompt data of users. We encrypt and store the basic information of users on our backend. Please rest assured when using our services.