Apply motion to your image with Animate Anyone API
Novita AI provides a powerful yet simple API for image-to-video synthesis and character animation. Our deep learning models analyze source images and animation controls to synthesize realistic videos frame-by-frame. Developers have full control over factors like emotion, movement, duration and camera angles to bring still characters to life in a consistent manner.
Try Animate Anyone API demo
Animate the image adhering to the motion sequences. Visit the playground to access more features and
Stable Diffusion API
.Upload base image
For optimal results, ensure the image includes:
1. a clean background
2. the upper half of a person's body
Upload motion video
Featured AI Tools
Try Novita AI API.
Unleash Your Imagination With Novita AI Image Creator:
Check out websites and apps powered by the Stable
Diffusion API. See its versatile applications!